Tuesday, 5 April 2011

My wealth management plan. You should have one too!

Hmm.. where do I start? Title macam org kaya raya, tapi hakikatnye belum sampai lagi di "level" itu. But, masih belum terlambat nak ada plan eventhough I feel that I should have started to think about this earlier (in my 20s). My current favourite -

Plan No. 1 = Ambik takaful coverage. Diulangi! Bukan insurans, tapi takaful.
* Beza insurance and takaful of course concept nya berbeza. Bagi saya, saya memilih "takaful" sebab ianya lebih kepada beramal jariah, menolong sesama insan, peace-of-mind. I dont really concentrate on how much will I get bila dah abis bayar. But I am concern on how much will I get if something bad happens to me NOW. Because, right NOW, duit tak sebanyak mana punn. Itulah gunanya contribution / derma sesama member. So, paling penting sekali, sign up for takaful coverage. You can't predict your future. Dulu2 I signed up wif insurance, tapi since the value of HALAL is priceless, I changed to takaful.

Plan No. 2 = Invest in Unit Trust.
* Selain dari memilih Funds yang sesuai dengan expectation saya, memilih Agent Unit Trust yg boleh dipercayai adalah teramaaaaaaaaaat penting. Because, you are investing your hard-earned money and you may not have time to monitor the market trends. So, choose your agent wisely. I have experienced a few situation where the Agent dah w/draw from my EPF without consulting my opinion first, Agent yang suam2 kuku bila dah closed sale dgn saya dll.. Dlm banyak2 Agent, I have never met anyone yang very passionate, mementingkan trust & relationship with her clients seperti Puan Adriana Amin Zahari, my officemate. (Utk kaum wanita, Bro Aznam sedia membantu.. ) I dont get commision pun promote dia ni, I just like the way she talks & works. Pilih yg sesuai..

Plan No. 3 = Invest in Gold
* If you have bought gold awal2 dulu, you may notice yang value nya dah naik. This is a wise option nak preserve your duit. Any kind of gold is up to you, but make sure it is worth your money. Tak nak la membeli untuk harga premium or branding yg mahal kan. So, study betul2 yg mana satu pilihan kalbu. I am so lucky that my kompeni memang ada Gold Account. So lagi memudahkan saya untuk meng"invest" dan menyimpan.
And I dont have to worry because the bank keep the gold for me with NO CHARGES, okey. Buat apa susah2 simpan sendiri, buat nya kalau hilang ke rosak ke.. tak ke berputih mata. So, for those yg ada duit "terlebih sudah" why dont you try simpan sikit dalam bentuk Gold. The ringgit that you have, sebanyak mana pun, value nya akan turun tiap2 tahun. So, buy gold to "back up" your ringgit. But remember, berhati2 lah dengan unauthorised gold dealer! Pls visit the only Islamic Bank in Malaysia yg ada Gold Account.

Plan No. 4 = Savings.
* Part ni memang saya kalah. Umur dah 30an duit tak pun 30an jugak. Asyik masuk dan keluar saja. Akibat dari kos sara hidup yg makin tinggi dan gaju yg tak tinggi2. Those yg dapat bonus every year riban2 memangla untung sebab dah boleh menabung tanpa masalah (Ye ker?). For a normal person like me, I must go out from my comfort zone and try cari alternative lain. But, what skills yg saya ada? Buat kek? Tak la kot.. Kalau orang yg berbakat cam Puan Zaridah and family, senang cerita. Pegi kelas belajar buat kek, dah pandai buat pulak kelas kat rumah sendiri.
So, since my day job is promoting bank's product, I challenged my self to join marketing business, in particular, MLM. Of course la, bukan sebarangan MLM. Since I am a happy user of their product, why dont I "share" it wif other people? The team is great, and I love being surrounded with positive people. Life is too short to think negatively about almost everything. I sense money is coming but it will not come easily. I want to have at least half a million before 40s.

Plan No. 5 = Property
* Senang cerita, tunggu ada cukup modal, baru boleh beli asset.

Plan No. 6 = Wasiat.
* Some people are not very clear when it comes to Wasiat, including myself. But believe me, I do think that everyone should have wasiat. Dah la susah payah ada harta juta2, tapi bila dah tiada di bumi ini, susah nak distribute / manage sebab tak de proper planning. Wasiat is not only for your asset, but your liability too. Hutang puasa ke, hutang sembahyang ke. Nanti sibuk2 pikir pasal harta dunia, terlupa hutang akhirat. So, renung renungkan lah.. At KFHMB, we are agent for this 2 :)

Start now before it is too late.

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