Dah hampir sebulan sejak balik dari HK. Letih ? Enjoy ?.. Macam2 feeling yang ada. When you have small kids, u je la yg tau camna rasanya.. Overall, we had a really good time. This is our first time going overseas and with kids. And hopefully, many more to come.
Breakfast before boarding. Makan pun tak berapa nak lalu sebab suspen nak bawak si kecik ni.
Baru sampai. Masing2 cam terkejut sebab keluar je nampak anjing besar. Mama muka letih sebab menjaga si kecik.
Naik bas to Hotel. Dina's first experience naik bas.
Our first Hotel. Guang Dong Hotel. Nasib tak baik, we were the last one yg boleh check in :(
We had our dinner at this restaurant. Sedap? Ok la... Mana nak carik nasi goreng kampung kat sini.. Uish!
Wajib pose di signboard ini untuk menunjukkan memang di Hong Kong. Ceh!
Berjalan2 disekitar hotel. Please excuse mamat yg tengah menguap tu..
Breakfast di Sangeet. Dina was so happy because it is her fav activity. Makan dan buat sepah.
With the rest of the team. Kecoh dgn perangai budak2. Looks like I'm not the only one yg garang cam singa :)
... to be c'td.
9 years ago
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