How many of you yang suka travelling? I bet some people that I know prefer shopping than travelling. Well, I dont know about you, tapi I like travelling so much. From the moment we packed our bags then when we un-packed the bags ( addtional bag..heheh..). I have never been out of Malaysia before. Bila nak plan pergi je, terus teringat budget yang patut dan lebih 'afdal' di spend kan utk lain2 priority. Tapi sampai bila nak merancang tapi tak melaksanakan..? Umur makin meningkat and there's so much out there yg patut kita explore dan experience.. Memang betul, kebanyakan nye berpunca dari budget yang belum mencukupi. But, kadang2 tanpa kita sedari, the little2 things yang kita beli tu, if we add up the amount, boleh cukup untuk buat belanja pergi jalan2. Dan yang paling penting sekali, keberanian kita nak start keluar explore dunia luar tu la yg penting. Asyik2 bagi alasan yg sama.. nanti2 lah... esok2 lah.. Sampai bila? Tunggu menang lucky draw? Masuk contest? Menabung?.. Kalau ada side income, ianya boleh membantu. (Macam saya :)
Walaupun saya hanya baru ada 3 cop je dlm passport, tapi excitement dia lain macam. Especially when you travel with the family. Walaupun penaaatttt dgn kerenah budak2, tapi seronok... Ingat lagi masa nak bayar booking pergi HK. Memang teragak2 time tu, nak ke tak nak, boleh ke tak boleh, mampu ke tak mampu.. Alhamdulillah, bila niat kita ni baik, apatah lagi nak menggembirakan family, jalan nampak dipermudahkan.
Those yang dah pergi almost every part of the world tu, you are so lucky. You got the opportunity to see the world. And I'm aiming to do the same thing. And here's the list of top 10 destinations in the world (by Trip Advisor).. And I'm so happy I've been to one of them, which is HONG KONG..!!
1. Cape Town, South Africa
2. Sydney, Australia
3. Machu Picchu, Peru
4. Paris, France
5. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
6. New York City, New York
7. Rome, Italy
8. London, United Kingdom
9. Barcelona, Spain
10. Hong Kong, China
So, what is your next destination..?
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