Sunday, 27 March 2011

Scoliosis - Sakit sangatt... :(

photo taken from

First time dapat tau tulang belakang bengkok masa pergi medical checkup utk interview keja baru. Doc cuma kata, "Ooo.. tulang u bengkok ye.." And at that time saya mengiyakan saja tapi tak terbukak mulut nak tanya dengan lebih lanjut.. Then, I started to suffer back pain. At that time I had no idea that it was actually related to my tulang yg bengkok.. Until I had my second child, the pain became unbearable. Nak basuh pinggan pun boleh pause kejap, rest for 2mins then sambung balik. I don't know how to describe the pain.. Normally I will sapu apa2 minyak or lotion or tampal Panaflex, and paling worse makan pain killer..
So, to those yg ada problem with your back pain, please visit your doctor and do X-Ray or whatever la yg recommended by the hosp. I kept on delaying my visit to physioteraphy sebab I got no time to reschedule doc's appointment sampai la ke la ni...
Alhamdulillah, back to my very first entry, I found the solution!

Friday, 25 March 2011

Found It!

Yup! Dah jumpa! After years suffering from back pain, I have found the solution. Well, not sure if it is for temporary or permanent, tapi one thing for sure, I have not touched the pain-killer pills, yet. Wah, jimat segala medical cost. Takyah pegi physioteraphy.. Berkat kerajinan membaca blog2, akhirnya berjaya menjumpai solutionnya... Tak tersangka saya berani mencuba walaupun agak was2. Well, tak semua produk MLM tak berkualiti. Memang patutla tak jumpa sebelum ni, sebab tak de kat kedai2. Anyway, many many thanks to those yg introduce this product. Sesapa yg ada scoliosis cam saya, only uols je yg tau sakitnye macammana kan.....:(